Oregon is home to over 34 million acres of open land for hunting and fishing. Hunting season in Oregon kicks off late in the summer and lasts through early winter, with peak hunting season lasting from August-October. Here is a quick guide to the 2023 big game hunting seasons!
Where do I apply for an ODFW hunting license?
The only place you can purchase a valid ODFW hunting license is directly through the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year, so you will need a valid 2023 license in order to hunt this August – December.
What is the difference between a general season and a controlled hunt?
In Oregon, anyone can buy a tag for general season hunting. Controlled hunts, on the other hand, have limited entry and require applying in advance through ODFW’s controlled hunt lottery drawing. Controlled hunts are divided into series by species and location. Hunters can apply for each series once per year. Learn more about Oregon controlled hunts here.
How much are Oregon big game hunting fees?
Currently, annual hunting licenses are $34.50 for Oregon residents and $172 for non-residents. Hunting tags range in cost from $16.50 to $142 for residents. Discounts are available for youth, seniors and veterans. Learn more about Oregon big game licensing here.

Are there age restrictions for big game hunting in Oregon?
Youth hunting licenses are available in Oregon for children ages 12-17. Oregon’s Youth Sports Pac includes a variety of hunting and fishing licenses for children ages 9 and up. ODFW also offers a mentored youth hunter program for children ages 9-15 in order to provide them with mentorship and training before receiving a hunting license. Learn more about youth hunting opportunities here.
When is black bear hunting season in Oregon?
Statewide black bear season: August 1 – December 31. General season fall tag is required – tag sale deadline is October 6, 2023.
When is cougar hunting season in Oregon?
Statewide cougar season: January 1 – December 31. General season tag is required – tag sale deadline is October 6, 2023.
When is deer hunting season in Oregon?
Deer, Western Oregon any legal weapon season: October 7 – November 10. General any legal weapon Western Oregon tag is required – tag sale deadline is October 6, 2023.
Deer, Eastern archery season is by controlled hunt only.
Deer, Western archery season: September 2 – October 1. General archery Western Oregon tag required – tag sale deadline is September 1, 2023.
When is elk hunting season in Oregon?
Elk, West Cascade any legal weapon season: November 11-17. General West Cascade tag required – tag sale deadline is November 10, 2023.
Elk, Rocky Mountain any legal weapon season: November 11-19. General Eastern Oregon Rocky Mountain season tag required – tag deadline is November 10, 2023.
Elk, Coast Bull any legal weapon first season: November 18-21. General Western Oregon Coast season tag required – tag deadline is November 17.
Elk Coast Bull any legal weapon second season: November 25 – December 1. General Western Oregon Coast season tag required – tag deadline is November 24.
Elk, Western/Eastern archery season: September 2 – October 1. General archery season tag required – tag deadline is September 1.
For additional information on Oregon big game hunting, visit the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website here.